Nick Tilsley

Nick Tilsley
Ben Price as Nick Tilsley (2009)
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Warren Jackson (1981–96)
Adam Rickitt (1997–2004)
Ben Price (2009—)
Introduced by Bill Podmore (1981)
Brian Park (1997)
Kieran Roberts (2002, 2003)
Kim Crowther (2009)
Duration 1981–96, 1997–99, 2002, 2003–04, 2009—
First appearance 5 January 1981
Classification Present; regular
Book appearances Coronation Street:
The Complete Saga
Date of birth 31 December 1980
Home 8 Coronation Street
Occupation Businessman (since 2008)
Restaurateur (since 2010)
Alternative image(s)
Adam Rickitt as Nick Tilsley (2004)
Warren Jackson as Nick Tilsley (1996)

Nicholas Paul "Nick" Tilsley (previously Platt) is a fictional character in the British soap opera Coronation Street. Originally known as "Nicky", he was the first-born child of Brian Tilsley and Gail Platt (then Tilsley), and has been portrayed by three different actors. Warren Jackson from 1981 to 1996, then by Adam Rickitt from 1997 to 2004. Rickitt had left in 1999 but returned on two occasions in 2002 and 2003. Since December 2009, he has been portrayed by Ben Price.

From 1981 to 1996, storylines involved Nick's adolescent problems and his role in the fraught relationship between his parents. He left in 1996 to live with his Uncle Stephen in Canada, returning in 1997 having considerably changed his appearance. The subsequent storyline dealt with his teenage marriage to Leanne Battersby and their divorce. In 1999 he left again but made a brief comeback in 2002 for the wedding of his mother, Gail, to Richard Hillman. He returned again in late 2003 but left in 2004. In 2010, Nick bought into the local factory Underworld which he subsequently co-owned with Carla Connor, before opening The Joinery bar with his ex-wife Leanne. As part of the show's 50th anniversary storylines in December 2010, an explosion at the bar caused a tram to crash from the viaduct, resulting in the deaths of three people.




After his father's murder in 1989, Nicky began misbehaving but Martin Platt (Sean Wilson) proved a calming influence. In 1991, Martin – now married to Gail – adopted Nick and changed his name, but Nick's paternal grandmother, Ivy, was furious and changed her will, leaving her house to Nicky in his own right. She persuaded him to become an altar-boy at St. Luke's in exchange for a place on the football team. Ivy also reported Gail to Social Services as an unfit mother.

Nicky's relationship with his grandmother caused friction with Martin. Nicky begans to rebel, taking up smoking and demanding to be called "Nick". When Ivy dies in 1995, her will stipulates that Nick must revert to Tilsley to inherit her house. He did so and arguments sprang up about the house, then occupied by Ivy's widower, Don. Don eventually bought the house from Nick for £12,000.

In July 1996, Nick stayed at home while the rest of the family went on holiday but, tired of his grandmother Audrey's (Sue Nicholls) fussing, he ran away, and was missing for weeks. On his return, he claimed to have been living rough in London and working in a cafe. Nick's stories cause Jamie Armstrong (Joseph Gilgun) to want to run away to London; when confronted by Jamie's mother, Tricia (Tracy Brabin), Nick admits he only lasted two hours in London and spent the rest of his time in Torquay. Later in the year, Gail allowed Nick to go and live with his uncle, Stephen Reid (Todd Boyce), in Canada, in the hope that it would improve his behaviour and his education.

Nick (now played by Adam Rickitt) returned in 1997 to study PE at Tech. His relationship with Leanne Battersby (Jane Danson) does not meet with Gail's approval. The young couple elope and, wanting to be independent, rent a room from Ashley Peacock (Steven Arnold) and live as a married couple.

While Nick was at college, his class was visited by a convicted murderer, Darren Whateley (Andy Robb), during a lesson about criminology. When Darren described the details of the crime he had been imprisoned for, Nick realised that Darren was his father's killer. Wanting revenge, he wrote to Darren under Leanne's name, asking to meet. Darren agreed, and, when released on parole, he visited Leanne, who was frightened and furious with Nick for putting her in danger. When Nick told Darren who he was, Darren threatened him. Nick reported him to the police, and he was arrested and returned to prison for violating his parole conditions. Short of money, Nick started modelling for art teacher, Miranda Peters (Francesca Ryan). Leanne suspected him of adultery and confronted him as he posed for Miranda. Leanne even refused to attend his eighteenth birthday party, and Nick was shocked to learn that she was pregnant. Miranda suggested Leanne should have an abortion and Nick demanded she do so. Leanne reluctantly agreed and was upset to learn that he was telling people that she miscarried. Nick returned to Canada alone after Leanne tells him that she no longer loves him.

Nick reappeared for his mother's wedding to Richard Hillman (Brian Capron) in July 2002, and soon began a relationship with Maria Sutherland (Samia Smith). She agreed to join him in Canada but discovers from Audrey that he is dating a woman there. Heartbroken, she does not go. Later, having been reassured, she accompanies Nick to Canada, but soon returns, saying that Nick was not spending enough time with her.

Nick returned in September 2003 and became friends with his sister's boyfriend, Todd Grimshaw, (Bruno Langley). One night, while Nick is asleep, Todd, a closet gay, kisses him. Nick was disgusted when Sarah forgave Todd.

Nick found work at Mike Baldwin's (Johnny Briggs) factory, Underworld. When Janice Battersby (Vicky Entwistle) made fun of him, he had her fired but was forced to reinstate her when cleaner, Harry Flagg, (Iain Rogerson) says that he saw what Nick did. When Janice accidentally starts a fire at the factory in March 2004, Nick saved her. At the hospital where Todd worked as a porter, Todd confesses to a gay co-worker, Karl Foster (Chris Finch), that he kissed Nick.

Nick was reconciled with Maria and they moved into No. 8, despite Gail's disapproval. Nick's ex-wife, Leanne, returned to Weatherfield at about the same time. Angry with Maria for sleeping with her sister, Toyah's (Georgia Taylor), boyfriend, Leanne attempted to come between them. Having lured Nick to her flat, she sent Maria a photo of them together. Maria dumps Nick and he leaves Coronation Street, taking a job in Nottingham.


In December 2009, Audrey phones Nick to tell him about Gail's forthcoming wedding to Joe McIntyre (Reece Dinsdale) and that he's needed in Weatherfield. On 21 December 2009, Nick (now played by Ben Price) is seen in a bar in Manchester where he meets Tina McIntyre (Michelle Keegan), ex-girlfriend of his half brother, David (Jack P Shepherd). They kiss and part without knowing each other's true identity. He returns to the Street on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with his family. When he meets Tina again, she is horrified to learn Nick is David's half brother. Nick returns to Nottingham to finish off some business.

Nick returns in February 2010 when he loses his business and flat in Nottingham around the time that Joe goes missing while Gail tries covering for him, unaware that he is dead. Nick believes Joe abused her as they had a fight before he sailed off to fake his own death, as part of an insurance scam. Nick becomes interested in buying a share of Underworld but Carla Connor (Alison King) declines his offer. He briefly meets Leanne again, who has warned Carla not to trust Nick.

When Gail is suspected of murdering Joe in March 2010, Nick supports her. He moves back in to number 8 and makes Carla another offer but she declines. Determined to invest, he starts dating Kelly Crabtree (Tupele Dorgu), and persuades her to get the accounts from Underworld so he can estimate how much he would need to buy the shares and makes Carla another offer. She accepts and he becomes a partner. However, Carla insists he fire Kelly if he wants to stay when she realises Kelly got Nick the information he needed. He does as Carla wishes and Kelly doesn't take it well, telling Nick to watch out because one day someone will stab him in the back for the way he treats people.

Nick steals money from the factory safe to bribe a witness to say that Gail didn't get on the boat the night Joe drowned. In early June, Carla's ex-husband, Tony Gordon (Gray O'Brien), escapes from prison and burns down the factory resulting in Nick trying to find a place from which to operate Underworld. He asks ex-wife Leanne's boyfriend Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) if he could find him somewhere but Peter declines. However, Leanne lets him use The Joinery where she and Peter meant to open a bar. While Carla is on holiday, he renames Underworld "Nick's Nicks". On Carla's return, she discovers what he has done and convinces Paul Stokes (Mark Dexter) to withdraw his order. However, Nick and Carla soon start working together again and employ Owen Armstrong (Ian Puleston-Davies) to rebuild the factory. Nick begins to date Natasha Blakeman (Rachel Leskovac) and they rent a flat. He gets her pregnant to his delight. He also has a fling with Leanne but she ends it upsetting him. Over four weeks later, Gail tells Nick that Natasha had an abortion. Gail becomes suspicious of Natasha's behaviour and checks her medical records. Horrified, Nick disowns Natasha, and after failing to find any support, Natasha tries committing suicide by taking an overdose of sleeping tablets. Nick finds Natasha unconscious and calls an ambulance. Leanne goes to the hospital with Nick. While in the waiting room, he apologises to Leanne for wrecking their marriage and chances of having a baby together. He tells her it was always a big regret, leading to an emotional conversation about the past. Leanne tells Nick that she forgave them both a long time ago and it was time that he did the same. The doctor tells them that Natasha is regaining consciousness and Nick goes to see her. She apologises and he says that they will try again when she is better. Natasha is discharged the next day and Nick says he wants them to try again, which Natasha is delighted with. However, as he leaves, Audrey makes her realise that Nick is taking her back out of guilt, not love. Natasha realises this and takes revenge, insulting the factory girls by telling them what Nick calls them behind their backs. Nick says he loves her but Natasha rejects him, saying only one word, "Leanne". Natasha walks down the street and sees Nick leave the Rovers and pass Leanne and Peter. They both wave and as they walk past, he glances back at Leanne, prompting Natasha to get into a cab and leave Weatherfield behind while Nick looks on.

In October 2010, Nick terminates his partnership with Carla after arguments with her boyfriend Trevor Dean (Steve Jackson), deciding to open the bar owned by Peter and Leanne, calling it The Joinery. Leanne, although disgusted initially, agrees to go into business with him. It is clear that Nick still has strong feelings for Leanne and after the opening, the pair succumb to temptation. Nick tells Leanne that he should never have let her go, only to be silenced by Leanne kissing him and eventually sleeping with him. Leanne lies to Nick saying she regrets it and creates rotas so they never work alone together but Nick sees through it, telling her that he loves his business but he loves her more and it's her choice what to do with it and they can't avoid their feelings. Leanne tries to avoid him, but it draws them closer together. One night while closing up, Nick asks Leanne to look him in the eye and say that she doesn't love him, but she just can't bring herself to do it and kisses him passionately. As of that night, they embark on a dangerous and passionate affair almost getting caught.

On Peter's stag night, Nick decides to come clean about his affair with Leanne. Before he can, however, an explosion causes Nick, Peter and Ashley to be trapped under the rubble. He and Ashley manage to get Peter safely out moments before it collapses. Peter is badly injured and Ashley is crushed to death by the falling debris, but Nick escapes relatively unharmed and is given a clean bill of health at the hospital. He expresses guilt that Ashley didn't make it out alive, offering support to Ashley's widow, Claire Peacock (Julia Haworth), on breaking the news to her sons. He visits Peter and Leanne in hospital, where she tells him that Peter has asked her to marry him. He tries to persuade her not to, but she tells him that she loves Peter, not him. Nick finally accepts this and is heartbroken.

Nick comes under investigation for failing to report that there was a problem with the gas in The Joinery on the night of the explosion. Claire discovers this and blames him for Ashley's death, also banning him from attending the funeral. Later she calls to see Nick, explaining that she cannot forgive him yet, but she acknowledges that he was a good friend to Ashley. It is later revealed that faulty equipment caused the explosion rather than human error, meaning that Nick was not responsible.

Although Leanne is now married to Peter, who is in a wheelchair following the explosion, Nick is still fixated on her and tries to persuade her to leave her new husband for him, but although they share a kiss at Christmas, she keeps turning him down. Determined to stay close to her, Nick persuades Peter to let him manage the bookies while he recovers. On New Years Eve 2010, Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) turns up at the bookies in a flirtatious mood, and Nick, frustrated by Leanne's continued refusal to leave Peter for him, sleeps with her – not knowing that she had slept with his half brother David the night before him. Nick's night with Tracy is cut short, however, when a shocked Leanne walks in on them.

In January 2011, Nick becomes determined to split Peter and Leanne up. Working with Leanne at the bookies, he takes every opportunity to sow seeds of doubt in her mind. He also pretends to be a good friend to Peter, who is very depressed about the injuries he received in the Joinery explosion, and uses the opportunity to subtly encourage the vulnerable recovering alcoholic to start drinking again, in the hope that Leanne will find out and leave him. Peter reveals everything on Valentines Day and tells everyone that Nick persuaded him to drink. Later on Nick goes to his damaged pub and Peter follows him and hits him with his crutch. Nick then gets up and leaves.

In November 2011, when Nick begins to see Underworld struggling to cope, Nick goes back to working at the factory after being persuaded by Michelle Connor (Kym Marsh).

On Christmas Day 2011, Nick notices a blaze at Becky McDonald (Katherine Kelly)'s flat and alerts her family, who call the fire brigade. Nick breaks down her door and rescues Becky, who was asleep on the sofa. Nick is satisfied when he is informed that Becky sustained only minor injuries, and that the fire was an accident. Nick initially suspected Becky started the fire intentionally as her ex-husband Steve McDonald (Simon Gregson) accused Becky of pushing his fiance Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) down a flight of stairs, causing her to miscarry twins.

Creation and development


The character of Nick first appeared in 1981, when he was born; portrayed by Warren Jackson. In 1996 Warren Jackson decided to leave Coronation Street. The producers decided to bring back Nick a year later in 1997, this time played by Adam Rickitt.[1] After three years of playing Nick, Rickitt decided to leave and left in 1999 but he returned for three stints in 2002, 2003 and 2004. He played the role of Nick for the last time in July 2004. In early 2009 it was reported that producers were discussing bringing back Nick, but Adam Rickitt was unavailable because he was starring in Shortland Street, a soap opera in New Zealand. The producers decided to recast the character for the third time. The role went to former Footballers' Wives ' star Ben Price.[2] Commenting on the recasting, Ben Price said "I'm not playing Adam Rickitt – I'm playing Nick and Nick's moved on [with his life]. It's been five years and you move a lot over that time. I'm sure people will think he's not like 'the other Nick', but hopefully they'll think I'm bringing something better, nicer or a bit different to the show. If I'm good enough, they'll go with it, but I can't worry about it too much." Price made his debut as Nick on December 21, 2009.[3] In July 2010 it was reported that Rickitt turned down an offer to return.[4][5] In June 2011 Price signed a new 1 year contract.


Nick has been described as sexy, a tease and handsome. When Nick returned in 2009 new actor Ben Price described the character as a smart businessman and always wanting control. He also stated that the character has changed a lot since 2004. "Nick's got to be a bit harder now. He's got to start running the Street and looking after his mum and start to get David into place, so I think it's good that they went with someone else."[6][7]


Nick Tilsley is the first-born child and only son of Brian Tilsley (Chris Quinten) and Gail Platt (Helen Worth), born on New Year's Eve 1980 and known as "Nicky". Nicky's first few years are spent in a happy home but Brian and Gail clash over Gail's desire to work and holier than thou attitude in her marriage, and Brian's immaturity.

By 1986, Gail has had an affair with Tilsley family cousin, Ian Latimer, falling pregnant and splits up with Brian. The child, Sarah Louise (Lynsay King), is Brian's but he refuses to believe it and begins dating lawyer, Liz Turnbull. Nicky is a major issue in the relationship — Gail resents Liz spending time with him and Liz dumps Brian when she realises Nicky means more to Brian than her. Gail, meanwhile, is dating plumber, Jeff Singleton. When Brian sees Jeff and Nicky together, he snaps and kidnaps Nicky. The police set up a nationwide search, leading to a standoff between Gail and Brian at a motorway service station where Brian leaves with his son. Finally, Brian realises that Nicky needs his mother and they reconcile.


In her review of soaps during the first half of 2010, Low Culture columnist Ruth Deller criticised the casting of Ben Price in the role of Nick, by stating, "we're all familiar with the way characters can suffer from SORAS (soap opera rapid ageing syndrome), but this usually happens to child or teen characters, not characters in their late twenties. However, it must have happened to Nick – how else would you explain him returning to the soap ten years older than he should be? Casting a much older actor was never going to be the easiest transition, but that aside, there doesn't seem to have been an awful lot of point to his on/off return. He wasn't the most likeable character when he was in it before and he isn't particularly interesting now."[8]

See also


External links

Nick Tilsley at